



The world of science is a magical world brimming with wonderful inventions and discoveries. In the chain of science revolutionary inventions, computer is a remarkable addition. Like several other scientific inventions, computers are serving mankind multidimensional ways. In business, there are many
routine, repetitive tasks. Computer are useful for maintaining routine business records. They can also create models to predict and plan for future.
Keeping in view the ever-increasing need of computer, SCG has a modern Computer Lab which is fully air-condition and equipped with latest computer. Its use broadens the mental horizon of the students. Highly qualified teachers have been employed to run computer department on modern lines.


Library is an Integral part of a College. It is, no doubt, a treasure-house of knowledge and wisdom. SCG has unique and capacious Library having collection of books on all branches of knowledge.
Besides text books, college library has numerous books on diverse topics. It is well-pregnant with books on Business, Agriculture, Engineering, Law, Computer, Ethics, Mathematics, Economics, English Poetry, Novel, Drama, Fiction and Urdu Literature. Students can quench their thirst for knowledge here. They can chose books in accordance with their taste or requirement. A librarian and a clerk are always there assist the students. Modern and newly designed furniture of library gives an elegant look to it.



         Hostel is an important organ of a college, Unlike other private colleges, SUFFA College Gojra provides facility of Hostel to the students. It has ample facilities for indoor games. A resident warden manages the affairs of hostel.
Students belonging to far flung areas are encouraged to stay in hostel.

Photo Copying:

          The facility of Photo State Machine is available on the campus at the lowest possible rates.


           The cafeteria has been setup in the main campus. It provides refreshment of all kinds like snakes, tea and food.

Health Centre:

           A health Centre with medical officer provide medical care on campus during working hours.